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Blog Laser Treatment & Microwave Ablation

blog laser treatment microwave ablation ABCD Blog - Laser Treatment & Microwave Ablation in Malaysia ABCD Informative blog for Laser Treatment & Microwave Ablation on haemorrhoid (piles), anal fistula, fibroids & adenomyosis in Malaysia health ABCD Haemorrhoids is dangerous, please cure it as fast as possible. I dont care this is true or false I just simply just something to make my text longer then I will get the result that I need.


患上痔疮还是肛瘘 (老鼠打洞)呢?


Suffering from Hemorrhoid or Anal Fistula?

The majority of patients are concerned about seeking treatment for anal fistula and hemorrhoids. They bear it because they worry that it will require a long hospital stay and require time off work. Do not worry! Both problems can now be effectively and painlessly treated in Malaysia due to a state-of-the-art laser procedure. There is no need for surgery, there are no incisions or wounds, the treatment is quick, and recovery and return to work are both fast.


很多病人都习惯性地把大便出血这个症状视为痔疮引发,但是其实这个出血也有可能由其他的因素如肛裂 (anal fissure) 或是更加严重的大肠疾病如息肉 (polyps)、大肠癌 (Colon cancer) 等而导致的。那么大便出血了,怎么办呢?

Berak berdarah: Buasir atau kanser?

“Dah 3 hari berak berdarah, takut, sampai tak tahu nak buat apa… Boleh jadi kanser ke ya?”

Ini bukanlah kali pertama anda berak berdarah, manakala ini telah berlaku untuk beberapa kali. Anda mula jadi takut dan risau, adakah ia buasir biasa sahaja ataupun ia adalah kanser? Ketahui perbezaan simptom antara buasir dan kanser lebih lanjut.


New Treatment for Fibroids Without Surgery: Save Your Uterus with Microwave Ablation

Being diagnosed with large fibroids or adenomyosis can be overwhelming, especially when your doctor recommends a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Many women fear losing their uterus, whether for fertility reasons or simply to avoid major surgery.

But here’s the good news—surgery is not your only choice

Minimally Invasive


Fast recovery

Day-care or short hospitalization

High satisfaction with low recurrence rate

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