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Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Buasir in english hemorrhoids
Buasir in english hemorrhoids
Buasir in english hemorrhoids
Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Buasir in english hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Hemorrhoids (Internal & External)

Get rid of painful piles without open wound or lengthy recovery period.

What is Haemorrhoids (Piles)?

Treatment Options

Frequently Asked Questions 

haemorrhoids, piles, buasir, 痔疮, bleeding stool, najis berdarah, benjolan, buasir terkeluar, 大便出血,异物感,肛门瘙痒,大便没有break, Buasir in english

what is haemorrhoids (piles)?

Haemorrhoids, also commonly known as piles (Buasir in Bahasa Malaysia and 痔疮 in Chinese), is a common disease amongst both males and females. Healthy haemorrhoids contribute significantly to the closure of the anus as a vascular cushion. The anus is first and foremost controlled by an internal sphincter muscle. By attaching to the muscle, haemorrhoid cushions are there to prevent leakage in a controlled manner.

During one’s lifetime, individuals might experience one or more episodes of enlargement or dropping of these cushions. Haemorrhoids become symptomatic when they become swollen, or inflamed veins developed around the anus in the lower rectum. Generally haemorrhoids are divided into 2 categories – internal and external haemorrhoids.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids

The first symptoms of haemorrhoids begin to surface when a person detects the following abnormalities:

Internal Haemorrhoids

Laser Varicose Veins

Involve rectal bleeding, displayed as bright red blood on stool or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. There is generally no pain if internal haemorrhoids are not prolapsed – an internal haemorrhoid is a described as prolapsed if the haemorrhoid has fallen through the anal opening – this may then cause discomfort and pain as a result.

External Haemorrhoids

Laser Haemorrhoids

Easily detected through feeling of one or more tender lumps near the anus. Alongside anal itching, discomfort is further exacerbated when sitting. Oftentimes such symptoms disappear after a few days.

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments. ... Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels

Grades of Haemorrhoids

Grade 1

There are 4 grades of haemorrhoids. For Grade 1 haemorrhoids, the anal cushions bleed but do not prolapse.

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment, Buasir in english

Grade 2

For Grade 2 haemorrhoids, the anal cushions prolapse through the anus on straining but reduce spontaneously.

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment, Buasir in english

Grade 3

For Grade 3 haemorrhoids, the anal cushions prolapse through the anus on straining or exertion and require manual replacement into the anal canal.

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Grade 3

For Grade 3 haemorrhodis, the anal cushions prolapse through the anus on straining or exertion and require manual replacement into the anal canal.

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Grade 4

For Grade 4 haemorrhoids, the prolapse stays out at all times and is irreducible. 

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Symptoms of Haemorrhoids

Treatment Options

The medical treatment of haemorrhoids depends on the grade of the disease. Haemorrhoids are categorised into 4 grades.

During Grade 1, a medicinal treatment and a high fibre diet may be sufficient.

During Grade 2, haemorrhoids can be treated with medicinal treatment or surgical procedure such as rubber banding.

During Grade 3 and 4, a surgical procedure is required. During conventional surgical procedure, excess haemorrhoid tissue is being cut off. Sometimes, the sensitive sphincter muscle responsible for control of bowel movement is injured during surgical procedure and cut off partially. In addition to pain, the surgical procedure can possibly lead to various complications such as incontinence or narrowing of the anal canal.

With the cutting-edge technology,

Laser offers minimally invasive treatment for haemorrhoids!

Laser treatment shrinks haemorrhoids from inside-out. A small puncture (less than 2mm) is made with a thin laser fibre. The haemorrhoids are then shrunk from inside out without injuring the sphincter muscle. Only a very small wound, which will heal completely shortly after the surgery.

Laser fibre is inserted into the centre of haemorrhoid. Each haemorrhoid is shrunk from within in a controlled manner, by means of laser energy. Blood supply to the enlarged haemorrhoids is being cut off. Haemorrhoids shrink and slowly regress as a result of the treatment.

Laser Haemorrhoids,

a nearly painless minimally-invasive treatment for haemorrhoids!

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

The laser fiber is inserted in the centre of the hemorrhoids under direct vision.

Fiber laser dimasukkan ke dalam buasir melalui tusukan kecil.


Each haemorrhoids is shrunk from within in a controlled manner, by means of laser energy. Blood supply to the enlarged haemorrhoids is cut off.

Dengan menggunakan tenaga laser, saluran darah kepada buasir tersebut dimansuhkan dan buasir menyusut.


Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Each haemorrhoids is shrunk from within in a controlled manner, by means of laser energy. Blood supply to the enlarged haemorrhoids is cut off.

Dengan menggunakan tenaga laser, saluran darah kepada buasir tersebut dimansuhkan dan buasir menyusut.


Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Haemorrhoids shrink and slowly regress as a result of the treatment.

Fibrosis yang berlaku di antara tisu buasir akan menyusutkan buasir secara beransur-ansur.


Frequently Asked Questions

Laser is suitable for haemorrhoids from grade 2 to 4.

Patient normally will be discharged after 1 night stay in the hospital.

Yes, you could expect to pass gas and motion as usual after the procedure.

Post-operation swelling shall be expected. This is a normal phenomenon, due to heat generated by laser from inside of the haemorrhoid. Swelling is usually painless, and will subside after a few days. You might be given medication or Sitz-bath to help in reducing the swelling, please do it as per instructions by the doctor/nurse.

No, you do not need to lie down for long for recovery purpose. You can perform daily activity as usual but keep it at minimal once you’ve discharged from hospital. Avoid doing any straining activity or exercise such as weight lifting and cycling within the first three weeks after the procedure.

  1. Minimal or no pain
  2. Fast recovery
  3. No open wounds
  4. No tissue is being cut off
  5. Patient can eat and drink the next day
  6. Patient can expect to pass motion soon after surgery, and usually without pain
  7. Accurate tissue reduction in the haemorrhoid nodes
  8. Maximum preservation of continence
  9. Best possible preservation of sphincter muscle and related structures such as anoderm and mucous membranes

Buasir in english

The superior rectal vein, or superior hemorrhoidal vein, connects veins surrounding the rectum to the inferior mesenteric vein

Buasir in english

The superior rectal vein, or superior hemorrhoidal vein, connects veins surrounding the rectum to the inferior mesenteric vein

Buasir in english

Minimally Invasive


Fast recovery

Day-care or short hospitalization

High satisfaction with low recurrence rate

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