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Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

Haemorrhoids Can Be Spotted with 2 Simple Steps!

Haemorrhoids Can Be Spotted with 2 Simple Steps!

WSM Medic Newsroom

生痔疮一定要开刀? Columbia Asia Hospital先进激光镭射微创治疗 替你让你无需开刀也能去除痔疮!]

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Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

痔疮. 不是一个可以高谈阔论的话题?




Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment




小编从Columbia Asia Hospital 的医生口中得知,去除痔疮的传统手术疗法的确会造成一定的痛楚。幸好,Columbia Asia Hospital 现在已提供最先进的激光镭射微创治疗,让痔疮患者无需通过手术开刀,也能开心解决烦恼!

Columbia Asia Hospital 激光镭射微创治疗

Columbia haemorrhoids surgery
Columbia haemorrhoids surgery
Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

配合医院的十周年庆,Columbia Asia Hospital 为了痔疮患者特别从德国引进了先进的激光镭射仪器。加上医院专业且具经验的医疗团队,能够以更较小的侵入性干预患者与痔疮说再见!

这台看似不起眼的仪器,能够精准放射激光,通过一个小于2 毫米的刺孔,阻断痔疮静脉血供,让痔疮组织萎缩并到最后完全消失。

Columbia Asia Hospital 为何推荐激光治疗除痔疮?

Columbia haemorrhoids surgery
Columbia haemorrhoids surgery

通过激光来使突出肛门的痔疮组织萎缩,全程不需要开刀切除任何身体组织。跟传统手术开刀手法相比之下,激光疗法不仅疗程后痛处较少,手术后感染的风险也大大减低。患者也能够很快恢复正常生活。5至7天就能痊愈。激光疗法也不会伤到括 约肌而引起日后排便的困难。总结来说,使用激光疗法去除痔疮的患者痛楚少,痊愈快,风险低!

Columbia Asia Hospital 医生让你更了解痔疮?

Columbia haemorrhoids surgery


任何年龄层都有可能患有痔疮,尤其是长时间久坐或久站的人群,例如德士时机,朝九晚五的上班族等。另外,喜食辛辣刺激食物,酗酒 人士,孕妇,老年人等相对而言痔疮发病率也较高。此外,痔疮也有可能会遗传。


Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

Columbia Asia Hospital 所提供的激光镭射痔疮疗法,将会由专业又亲切友善的Dr.Zulkarnain Hasan 以及  Dr Kerwin Teoh Tze Phin 负责进行。医生在进行疗法之前,都会与患者进行详细的讲解,确保患者了解整个疗程。

痔疮患者无需在烦恼!让Columbia Asia Hospital帮助你

Malaysia Piles Buasir Treatment

若你正受痔疮的困扰,或听闻身边的朋友面对着痔疮问题,别在烦恼了!激光镭射痔疮疗法,痛楚少,痊愈快,风险低!大家可以直接到Columbia Asia Hospital向医生咨询有关激光疗法的更多详情。

More than half of all people will at some point develop symptomatic haemorrhoids. Haemorroids are actually anal cushions which are specialized, highly vascular, connective tissue and smooth muscles in the submucosal space of anal canal. Its bleeding is bright red because of presinusoidal arterial bleeding. It is important for continence. Haemorroids are divided into internal and external.

Haemorroids are divided into internal and external. External haemorrhoids are below dentate line and has somatic innervations. Predisposing factors include constipation, increased intra-abdominal pressure, aging, spending excessive periods of time on the toilet and use of western toilet. Human beings are designed to evacuate waste in the squatting position. In the sitting position, the colon system is in the continence mode, and it is difficult to evacuate waste effectively, resulting in the need to strain.


First degree haemorroid bulge into lumen of anal canal resulting in painless bleeding at end of daefecation. Second degree has pruritus ani and reduce spontaneously. Third degree has mucous discharge with sense of incomplete evacuation and reduced manually. Fourth degree is permanently prolapsed and irreducible.

Haemorroids can become thrombosed causing acute pain, tender, bluish lump at distal anus with ulceration and bleeding. The end result is skin tags. Differential diagnosis includes anal fissure, perianal abscess, proctitis, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Colorectal cancer and anal Polyps. Relevant investigations include anoscopy, sigmoioscopy and colonoscopy.

Medical management includes avoidance of constipation and hard stools, minimize straining the stool, dietary and lifestyle modifications, fluid and fiber in diet. Supplemental fibre agents add moisture to stool. Sitz bath (warm 40 C – degree symbol) with soaking time limited to 15 minutes, ice packs and drugs like daflon (Flavonoids) gives acute symptoms relief by decreasing capillary permeability and increasing lymphatic transport.

First degree haemorrhoids can be treated with rubber band ligation as an office procedure. Surgical modalities include open haemorroidectomy, sclerotherapy, harmonic ultrasonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy, stapled haemorrhoidopexy and Laser Haemorrhoidopexy. Thrombosed external haemorrhoids presents itself as painful perianal mass that peaks in 48 hours and subsides after 3 days. Treatment is pain relief. Severe pain might require excision of thrombus under anaesthesia.

Dr. Venayagamurthy A/L Kanisan
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon
Columbia Asia Hospital – Cheras

Minimally Invasive


Fast recovery

Day-care or short hospitalization

High satisfaction with low recurrence rate

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