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Patient Reviews

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Patient Reviews

What they are saying ...

Everything is fine and went well including the laser treatment. Was discharged home on the next day of Laser Piles Surgery. Thank you for the recommendation of specialist doctor.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Sebastian Laser Piles Surgery

Ayah saya telah mengalami urat tersimpul sejak 6 tahun lepas, dan harini kaki dia bertambah baik selepas membuat rawatan Laser ini. Terima kasih kepada pihak WSM Medic kerana telah membantu kami dari mula sampailah kami habis lakukan operation. Servis yang sangat cepat, peramah & sangat sangat membantu kami. Sesiapa yang ingin melakukan rawatan laser, kami recommend kepada anda ! dan tentu sekali kami akan recommend dan syorkan rawatan Laser ini kepada kenalan kenalan kami! modern dan tak sakit 🙂

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. Natasha Rawatan Laser Urat Bersimpul

感谢 WSM Medic的介绍去做这个雷射痔疮手术,已经在康复中,过程不会辛苦,也不会很痛,真心感恩 ❤️❤️

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Alen Hong 雷射痔疮治疗

Was suffered from veins condition since young and getting serious recently. Majority of the doctors in JB are profession at general surgery instead of vascular surgery. I found this website while doing research on treatment and try to call up to look for more information. To my surprise, the girl answered to my call is very professional and knowledgeable. She explained not only Laser Treatment as well as the treatment I asked about (sclerotherapy). That time was during MCO and I actually do not mind to travel over to KL to seek for treatment, however I have no idea on how to get over the police block etc. But the girl was kind to guide and advise on the steps one by one. Great job to her! Now I’ve done my surgery and finally get rid of veins condition.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Chai FR Laser Varicose Veins

真的很感激 WSM Medic 推荐的雷射痔疮治疗。本身是超级害怕痛,在北海见过医生了,可是医生推荐我另一个治疗,WSM Medic的客服很好,很仔细地解释每个治疗给我。担心我不明白,还分享了影片给我参考,真的很专业。她说最重要的是先见医生让医生检查痔疮的状况和了解整个治疗,如果不了解就会感觉很害怕。过后我也咨询了第二位医生在怡保的,雷射手术很成功,不会像我想象中的疼痛和恐怕。现在的我已经雷射后一个月了,已经完完全全康复及恢复正常了。太感激WSM Medic了, 祝你们新年快乐哦。

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. Lay Hoon 雷射痔疮治疗

Sy dh buat operation pd 01 Nov, skrg 06 Nov dh ok. Still follow up monthly appointment. Thank you sbb buatkan appointment utk sy jmpa doktor

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
En. Rizuwan Rawatan Laser Buasir

Berjumpa dengan doktor di Manipal dan buat rawatan slipped disc. Cepat dan tak sakit. Mujur ada teknologi baru ni. Terima kasih doktor dan team WSM Medic.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
En. Shamsul Rawatan Laser Slipped Disc

Done my Laser Varicose Veins Treatment with the Vascular Surgeon recommended by WSM Medic. Been going for massage regularly to ease my tired legs and muscle soreness, the problem is solved after laser. Most importantly, the doctor is very skillful and the treatment is very minimally invasive that I do not need to be anaesthesia. I was brought to the Day- Care ward to rest for few hours then im free to go home on the same day of procedure. No need stay in the hospital will be a plus point for me and my legs return to healthy and pretty without bulging veins and scars. Highly recommended 👍🏻

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. Isabelle Laser Varicose Veins

Very friendly and helpful team! I was in excruciating pain, and bleeding, after my piles surgery by another doctor in another hospital… I am so glad that I’ve contacted WSM Medic for advice. They are very helpful and within a short time, help me get an appointment with another doctor for 2nd opinion. I went to see the 2nd doctor, to my relief, I was offered laser treatment to rectify my problem. The 2nd doctor recommended by them was very friendly and approachable. The laser treatment was very fast, I stayed for 1 night in the hospital, and was allowed to discharge and go home the next day… It was a great relief! My pain was gone when I go home, and I can go to toilet like normal without pain the next day. I can go to work 3 days later. Thanks!!!

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Wang Nat_Zi Laser Haemorrhoids Treatment

Have done my Laser Anal Fistula surgery successfully & thanks for the assist for all the arrangement.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Jeff Laser Anal Fistula Treatment

谢谢你们很 friendly,专业的服务。治疗解释的很清楚,预约时间也安排的很有效率。医生技术也很好,虽然我的痔疮很大粒已凸出,但是手术后的痛是可以tahan的,微痛而已。

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Marcus 雷射痔疮治疗

Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar untuk ibu. Staff di hospital sangat peramah dan permudahkan urusan kami. Kami sangat gembira bila dapat tahu tentang rawatan laser vena varikos ni, tak sakit dan sangat sesuai untuk ibu saya walaupun dah berumur. Terima kasih doktor, terima kasih team WSM.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
En. Rizal Mamat Rawatan Laser Vena Varikos

I’ve an unhealed wound on my legs for years and was advised to visit clinic weekly for cleaning the wound then will be fine already. But my wound is getting serious till I have difficulty in walking. I’ve no idea why until my son went for consultation for varicose veins treatment. The vascular doctor saw my unhealed wound and advise me to have a scanning on the legs as well. It then found my varicose veins problem, but I was scared and hesitated to go for surgery. My son took up the courage to go for Laser Varicose Veins Treatment as he wants to get healthy and get rid of tired legs asap. And yes I saw his surgery was very successfully and he can walk immediately after surgery. I can see the happiness and satisfaction from his face and that I’ve made up my mind to go for this laser surgery too! No regret at all and my wound has recovered for real (due to improved blood flow as explained by the doctor).

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mdm Lai Yeng Laser Varicose Veins

Called up to check on Laser Hemorrhoids treatment. Their staff very helpful and explain to me the procedure and recommend hospital & doctor for me. Thanks for their recommendation. I've done my treatment.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. Bernice Laser Hemorrhoids Treatment

Saya telah mengalami buasir sejak 3 tahun yang lepas dan selama 3 tahun tersebut saya cuba tahan sakit. Bermacam-macam ubat saya dah cuba makan. Makan ubat jadi okay sikit, tapi bila saya salah makan, buasir saya akan jadi bengkak dan sakit membuatkan saya rasa tak selesa. Terima kasih kepada WSM Medic kerana membantu saya sepanjang proses saya lakukan laser buasir. Saya dah tak risau untuk keluar kerana terlalu fikirkan sakit buasir saya ni. Terima kasih doktor and WSM Medic.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
En. Fendi Rawatan Laser Buasir

Was recommended by friend as he has done his laser haemorrhoids treatment successfully. Both of us having the same bleeding stool symptoms, and we are now fine and fully recovered in two weeks 🙂

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. Chee Mun Laser Haemorrhoids Treatment

幸好有 laser 这个东西,治疗痔疮后的另一天我就可以出院了,也没有痛,而且我是一位患有血小板低 (ITP) 的病人。当我咨询雷射治疗时,我其实很害怕会影响我的疾病所以特地强调了血小板低的病人适合进行雷射吗。客服小姐姐知道我担心这个问题,她还特地咨询了痔疮专科医生后再解释给我听。不但如此,关于保险如何 claim 的过程她也有解释,服务和效率真的是太好了 ❤️ 真心推荐 👍🏻

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Ms. MY Lim 雷射痔疮治疗

Call up to ask about laser PLDD treatment. the staff is very friendly and patient to explain and answer my questions. Very helpful. Thanks!

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mr. Freeman Choo PLDD

My mom was in her 80s and her haemorrhoids were coming out lately. I was engaged with WSM team since April 2021. Due to covid situation last year, my family decided not to do surgery immediately to reduce the risk of exposure. On and off whenever I have thought of some questions, I will give the team a WhatsApp message and they will reply me professionally. Till end of Dec 2021, my mum has finally gathered her courage and decided to go for surgery. Laser Treatment went very well and the hospital nurses were very friendly too. My mom was discharged home on the next day, and she is able to walk around do some gardening in the evening. Everything is resume back to normal. Happy to see her in a healthy state again!

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Mdm Khoo Laser Haemorrhoids Treatment

Saya tak tahu kewujudan laser ini buasir ini, sampailah kawan saya kongsikan kepada saya. Doktor beri penjelasan yang mudah difaham. Semua nya okay & sekarang saya tengah tunggu masa untuk pulih.

Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment
Pn. Faizura Rawatan Laser Buasir

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Malaysia Haemorrhoids Buasir Treatment

Minimally Invasive


Fast recovery

Day-care or short hospitalization

High satisfaction with low recurrence rate

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